Hockey Wash is Ottawa’s only source for washing hockey equipment
At the heart of Hockey Wash is the washer-dryer system - the world's first commercial machine capable of cleaning heavy sports equipment and protective wear without causing damage to the equipment. The unique machine actually washes the equipment. This award-winning technology not only ensures that your hockey gear comes back smelling like new again, but it can also increase the life of that expensive equipment.
Esporta ES 3200 washer-dryer system
Hockey Wash kills the bacteria
that destroys your equipment.
When a player sweats, that hot and wet environment creates an ideal breeding ground for bacteria to grow and flourish. And, as bacteria continues to build up, materials in hockey equipment eventually break down.
However, by cleaning equipment with Hockey Wash, you eradicate that harmful bacteria and halt a similar bacteria-building process for months. Our unique EPA-approved sanitizer effectively kills 99.9% of bacteria in your equipment. No more bacteria, no more smell. Check out the Ottawa Citizen (Canwest news)'s article "Hockey's Dirty Little Secret"reporting on a journalist's hockey equipment analyzed for bacteria.
Bacteria Buster
“The bacteria could include numerous types of pathogenic germs, viruses and fungal substances, which can lead to a variety of illnesses and skin infections. The bacterial load on dirty hockey equipment is greater than what your body is used to. It can be a habitat for the hepatitis B virus, which causes very high fever, weakness and jaundice."
—Dr. Barry Dworkin
Shocking findings: 188,650 living, reproducing bacteria on 8 small samples of equipment (25cm2).